Experience is a very bad teacher. It shows you what you should’ve or could’ve done to prevent what you have done…. better to learn from other people’s experience instead.

Attached to today’s article is a video, a wonderful thought provoking inspirational video about success and failure. Save the link for when you’ve got time… it is a video TED TALK by Alain de Botton:

A real estate tycoon who was struggling with life came up to me at the end of a speaking engagement and said:

“before this talk i thought I’d had twenty years experience selling realestate … now I realise I’ve had one year experience twenty times…

  1. Experience is a very bad teacher. It shows you what you should’ve or could’ve done to prevent what you have done….
  2. if you make the same mistake twice, it’s time to change your teacher…
  3. If you make the same mistake three times, change what you are doing, the motivation to learn is always linked to the incentive to learn.
  4. Failure is no measure of life. Failure is the essential 50% of success balance.
  5. You can’t be good at everything. Choose your aim wisely.

Have a wonderful day

Chris (your coach) Walker (the anti guru guru)